Types Of Aid

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The Next NC Scholarship is a NEW 该计划帮助大多数家庭年收入为80美元的北卡罗来纳人,在澳门金沙棋牌游戏(Wayne Community College)接受全额学费和杂费的高等教育. The best part? It’s money that doesn’t have to be repaid.

Federal Pell Grant

A Federal Pell Grant normally does not have to be repaid. 联邦佩尔助学金被认为是联邦学生经济援助的基础. 联邦佩尔助学金的数额是根据预期家庭贡献(EFC)计算的。, cost of attendance, enrollment status, 以及学生是全日制还是非全日制,学习时间是一学年还是更短. 一个学生不能同时在一所以上的学校获得联邦佩尔助学金. 一个学生不能同时在一所以上的学校获得联邦佩尔助学金.  学生可以获得最多12个学期或相当于6年的联邦佩尔助学金,并且不超过终身资格使用(LEU)的600%。.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

FSEOG is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need. 最低预期家庭贡献(EFC)的学生优先考虑. Limited assistance is available to eligible students from the program. This grant is gift aid and normally does not have to be repaid.

Funding for this program is limited. Early filing is strongly recommended to see if you qualify.

North Carolina Community College Grant

在符合条件的项目中注册至少一半时间的北卡罗来纳州居民可能有资格获得此补助金. 该奖学金的金额从100美元到2300美元不等,可以在联邦佩尔助学金的基础上颁发给学生. Students must complete the FAFSA to be considered for this award.

North Carolina Educational Lottery Scholarship

在符合条件的项目中注册的北卡罗来纳州居民可能有资格获得该奖项. 该奖学金的金额从152美元到2852美元不等,除了联邦佩尔助学金外,还可以颁发给符合条件的学生. 学生必须完成FAFSA才能获得奖学金.

Federal Work-Study

联邦勤工俭学计划- WCC为希望在大学期间赚钱的符合条件的学生提供就业机会. Students work in various areas on campus. 平均而言,学生每周工作大约10-12小时,最低工资为8美元.25 per hour. Most students earn about $3000 per year.

If interested in the federal work-study program, students should indicate this interest when completing the FAFSA, and submit a separate WCC Federal Work Study Application.


Childcare Grant

儿童保育援助计划-儿童保育补助金适用于在澳门金沙棋牌游戏注册至少六个学分的传统或混合课程的学生. Grants are limited and are based on “greatest need”. In order to be considered for these grants, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), be a NC resident, maintain satisfactory academic progress, 完成一份WCC儿童保育补助金申请,并至少有一名儿童在有执照的中心注册. Priority is given to returning, single, low-income parents who are not receiving aid from another source.

这些补助金旨在帮助抵消学生上学期间在有执照的中心照顾孩子的费用. For more information about this program contact the Child Care Assistance Coordinator.


财政援助办公室经常被要求协助每年颁发各种私人和非营利奖学金. 此外,澳门金沙棋牌游戏基金会每年也提供许多奖学金. Make sure you check out the scholarships we offer and the scholarships that are available through the Foundation of WCC. And for a third option, there is a free college scholarship search at Scholarships.com.

Veterans Affairs

退伍军人援助项目由澳门金沙棋牌游戏财政援助办公室的退伍军人协调员协调. 退伍军人福利将被视为计算你是否有资格获得经济援助的一种资源.有关退伍军人福利或有关资格的问题,请联系 VA Coordinator. Also see the Department for Veteran’s Affairs Web Page for more information.

Alternative Loans

Alternative loans, also known as private loans, 消费者贷款是通过各种贷款机构向个人提供的,以帮助支付大学费用吗. 学生可以根据信用和贷款人确定的其他因素获得这些贷款. WCC鼓励学生探索可用的选择,包括完成免费申请 Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and applying for WCC scholarships before considering loans. 学生也可以通过WCC基金会办公室申请奖学金. 有关基金会奖学金和申请截止日期的更多信息,请访问 The Foundation Scholarships page.

Loans are not free. They must be repaid with interest. While there are a variety of lending options available, WCC does not endorse the services of one lender over another. 建议学生对所有贷款机构进行全面审查,以做出合适的选择. 使用替代贷款参加WCC的学生使用以下贷款机构.

NC Student Assist Loan/CFI

PNC Private Undergraduate Student Loan

Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan

Cohort Default Rate

The College ceased participation in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program in the 2013-2014 school year. Information about WCC’s official cohort default rate, 包括学生借款人的数量和全国平均队列违约率是可用的 U.S. Department of Education website.

American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits

These income tax credits may reduce a family’s federal taxes. 他们是基于学生的合格教育费用减去助学金, scholarships, and other tax-free educational assistance. 美国机会税收抵免(AOTC)是一项新的税收抵免,取代了大多数纳税人的希望税收抵免. 首四年专上教育的学生可申领AOTC,最高可达2元,500 per eligible student. AOTC适用于经调整后的总收入为80美元的报税人,000 or less or $160,000 or less for married couples filing a joint return. 终身学习税收抵免适用于任何级别的高等教育学习,目前的最高抵免额为2美元,000 per return. 该抵免不适用于修改后的调整后总收入超过60美元的单一申报者,000 or joint filers with adjusted gross incomes greater than $120,000. “已婚单独报税”的纳税人没有资格获得“美国机会”或“终身学习”优惠. 欲了解更多有关这一税收抵免和其他教育税收抵免的信息,请访问美国国税局网站www.irs.gov or contact a tax professional.

NC Targeted Assistance Program and NC Less Than Half-Time Funds

该计划为高需求/低入学计划的学生或符合条件的职业康复学生提供有限的基于需求的援助. To be considered for these funds, 学生必须完成FAFSA并满足获得佩尔助学金的要求, be a NC resident, and be enrolled in an approved program.  对于NC目标援助补助金,学生必须在学期中至少注册一半时间.  For the NC Less Than Half-Time Grant, a student must be enrolled in at least 1 credit hour for the semester.
